Registered Migration Agent committed to provide professional service
Bay Migration is based in Sydney, Australia. We advise Australian visa seekers regardless of the type of visa whether a student visa, partners visa, employer sponsored visa or any other type of visa.
With 12 years of experience and with a team of highly skilled and qualified consultants, we would come up with timely, dedicated and focused assistance. It will help you acquire the visa of your need in a quick time. We also offer guidance when you go through all the paraphernalia related to migration.

Why choose us?
There are over 100 different varieties of visas to Australia. Besides, the immigration laws in Australia are constantly changing and evolving. Thus, without a proper knowledge about the nuances of visa and imigarion legislation in Australia, it can be quite challenging for anyone to complete the visa documentation accurately and wait for a positive outcome. This is where our expertise comes into play. With a sound in depth knowledge of Aussie visa and imigarion legislation inside out, we are the best who can guide you through, with a dedicated and friendly yet professional service.
What our services include?
At Bay Migration Solution, we offer assistance in getting:
- Skilled Visa subclass 189,190,491, 485
- Employer Sponsored Visa subclass 482,186
- Partner Visa subclass 309,100,820,801,300
- Student Visa subclass 500, 590
- Visitor Visa subclass 600
- Business Migration subclass 188, 888
- Protection visa subclass 866
- Temporary activity visa subclass 407,408
- AAT review application for visa refusal or cancellation decision
- Advising student in course selection for better career
Fix an Appointment today
So do not delay. Call us today to fix an appointment with one of our consultants. Set the ball rolling at the earliest. It’s a fairly long process, nonetheless – so reach to us today.